Unicri Series
115. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Migrant Flower Sellers in the City of Turin, UNICRI, Turin, 2017. [Full Text] |
114. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Strengthening the Security and Integrity of the Precious Metals Supply Chain, UNICRI, Turin, 2016. [Full Text] |
113. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Children and Counter-Terrorism, UNICRI, Turin, 2016. [Full Text] |
112. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Ensuring Supply Chain Security: The role of anti-counterfeiting technologies, UNICRI, Turin, 2016. [Full Text] |
111. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Organized Crime and the Legal Economy: The Italian Case, UNICRI, Turin, 2016. [Full Text] |
110. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Illicit Pesticides, Organized Crime and Supply Chain Integrity, UNICRI, Turin, 2016. [Full Text] |
109. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Guidelines for IT Security in SMEs, UNICRI, Turin, 2015. [Full Text] |
108. nited Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), The Impacts of the Crisis on Gender Equality and Women's Wellbeing in EU Mediterranean Countries, UNICRI, Turin, 2015. [Full Text] |
107. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Promoting a gender responsive approach to addiction, UNICRI, Turin, 2015. [Full Text] |
106. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Voci contro il Crimine a Napoli, UNICRI, Turin, 2014. [Full Text] |
105. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), The European House of Major Events Security: a User Guide for Police Security Planners and Policy Makers, UNICRI, Turin, 2014.[Full Text] |
104. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy (BASCAP) , Confiscation of the Proceeds of IP Crime: A modern tool for deterring counterfeiting and piracy, UNICRI, Turin, 2013. [Full Text] |
103. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Security Implications of Synthetic Biology and Nanobiotechnology: a Risk and Response Assessment of Advances in Biotechnology, UNICRI, Turin, 2012. [Full Text] |
102. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Association of Defence Counsel Practising before the ICTY(ADC-ICTY), OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE ODIR), Manual on International Criminal Defence: ADC-ICTY Developed Practices within the framework of the War Crimes Justice Project, UNICRI, Turin, 2011. [Full Text] |
101. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), EU-SEC II: Foundations of the European House of Major Events Security: A Manual for the International Coordination of Major Events Security Research in Europe, UNICRI, Turin, 2011. |
100. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Bibliography 2010 UNICRI, Turin, 2010. [Full Text] |
99. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), New Energy for Urban Security: Improving Urban Security Through Green Environmental Design, UNICRI, Turin, 2010. |
98. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI), Strategies for Technical-Juridical Training and Awareness-Raising on Counterfeiting, UNICRI - Emerging Crime Emerging Policies Series, Turin, 2010. |
97. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Trafficking of Nigerian Girls in Italy. The Data, the Stories, the Social Services, UNICRI, Turin, 2010. [Full Text] |
96. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Bibliography 2009, UNICRI, Turin, 2009. [Full Text] |
95. Kristiina Kangaspunta, Ineke Haen Marshall Eco-crime and Justice: Essays on Environmental Crime, UNICRI - Emerging Crime Emerging Policies Series, Turin, 2009. |
94. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Technical Guide to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, NewYork, 2009. [Full Text] |
93. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Manual Teórico e Prático para Operadores Sociais no Âmbito do Julgado de Menores, Turin, 2009. |
92. Patrizia Bonanzinga, The Other Kids = L'altra infanzia = A Outra Infância, UNICRI, Turin, 2009. |
91. ICTY Manual on Developed Practices, UNICRI, Turin, 2009. [Full Text] |
90. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Biomedical Research in Developing Countries: the Promotion of Ethics, Human Rights and Justice, UNICRI, Turin, 2009. |
88. Giovanni Torrente Punishment and Recidivism: The Italian Case, UNICRI, Turin, 2009. |
87. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) A World Directory of Criminological Institutes and of Crime and Justice Institutions (7th Edition), UNICRI, Turin, 2009. |
89. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Penal Reform and Prison Overcrowding, UNICRI, Turin, 2009. [Full Text] |
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Catalogue of Publications UNICRI, Turin, 2009. [Full Text] |
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Un ritratto della vittimizzazione nella città di Bari, UNICRI, Turin, 2009. |
86. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Bibliography 2008 - Issue 2 UNICRI, Turin, 2008. |
85. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) EU SEC - Toward a European House of Security at Major Events - Best Practices for Research Coordination, UNICRI, Turin, 2008. |
84. M. Do Carmo Medina, Lei Do Julgado de Menores e Código de Processo do Julgado de Menores: Anotados, 2nd Edição - Revista e Actualizada, UNICRI, Luanda, 2008. |
83. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Bibliography 2008 - Issue 1 UNICRI, Turin, 2008. [Full Text] |
81. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Eliminating Violence Against Women: Forms, Strategies and Tools UNICRI, Turin, 2008. [Full Text] |
United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Catalogue of Publications UNICRI, Turin, 2008. [Full Text] |
80. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) Bibliography 2007 UNICRI, Turin, 2008. [Full Text] |
79. United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI); University of Florence Law School. Department of Comparative and Criminal Law; Institute of Comparative Law of Belgrade, The Fight Against Organised Crime in Serbia: From the Existing Legislation to a Comprehensive Reform Proposal, UNICRI, Turin, 2008 - also available in Serbian. |
78. UNICRI. Anti-Human Trafficking and Emerging Crimes Unit, Counterfeiting: a Global Spread a Global Threat, UNICRI, Turin, 2007 (includes CD-Rom). |
77. Eveline R. Hertzberger, Counter-Terrorism Intelligence Cooperation in the European Union, UNICRI, Turin, 2007. |
76. IPO Security Planning Model, UNICRI, Turin, 2007. |
75. La Cooperaciòn Internacional en contra de la Corrupciòn y el Delito Organizado Transnacional: Balance y Perspectivas, UNICRI, Turin, 2007. |
74. Training Manual on Trafficking in Human Beings (THB) in Peace Support Operations (PSOs), UNICRI, Turin, 2006. |
73. International Terrorism and Governmental Structures, UNICRI, Turin, 2005. [Full Text] |
72. F. Marelli, Illicit Trafficking and Criminal Use of CBRN Materials and Weapons: an Analysis of the New Members of the European Union and their Neighbouring Countries, UNICRI, Turin, 2005. |
71. Security during Major Events: Toolkit for Policymakers and Security Planners, UNICRI, Turin, 2005. |
70. C.E.E. Okojie & F. Prina (eds.), Trafficking of Nigerian Girls to Italy = Traffico delle Ragazze Nigeriane in Italia, UNICRI, Turin, 2004. |
69. Strategic Plan of the Police of the Republic of Mozambique: Results of Surveys on Victimization and Police Performance, UNICRI, Turin, 2003 |
68. Anti-Trafficking in Human Beings to and within Peace Support Operations Areas. Building up Knowledge and Strategies for Awareness and Training: Training Manual, UNICRI, Turin, 2004. |
A. Alvazzi Del Frate & J. Van Kesteren (eds.), Criminal Victimisation in Urban Europe: Key Findings of the 2000 International Crime Victim Surveys, UNICRI, Turin, 2004. |
67. M. Do Carmo Medina, Lei Do Julgado de Menores e Código de Processo do Julgado de Menores: Anotados, UNICRI, Luanda, 2004. |
66. F. Cappe', International Terrorism Prevention Strategies, UNICRI, Turin, 2003. |
65. United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime: Requirements for Effective Implementation: Symposium (Turin, 22-23 February 2002): Proceedings, UNICRI, Turin, 2002. |
64. Técnicas de Investigaçao Ciêntifica e Actividade Judiciária para o Combate a Corrupçao: Manual para Magistrados e Agentes da Polícia Judiciária, UNICRI, Turin, 2002. |
UNICRI Publication Series
63. A. Alvazzi del Frate & G. Pasqua (eds.) |
62. O. Hatalak, A. Alvazzi del Frate & U. Zvekic (eds.) |
61. U. Zvekic |
60. J.F. Klaus |
59. A. Patrignani & R. Villè (eds.) |
58. R. Villè, U. Zvekic & J. F. Klaus (eds.) |
57. A. Alvazzi del Frate. |
56. G. Heine, M. Prabhu & A. Alvazzi del Frate (eds.) |
55. U. Zvekic & A. Alvazzi del Frate (eds.) |
54. C. Masotti Santoro (ed.) |
53. U. Zvekic, L. Wang & R. Scherpenzeel (eds.) |
52. M. Alexeyeva & A. Patrignani (eds.) |
51. U. Leone (ed.) |
50. A. Alvazzi del Frate & J. Norberry (eds.) |
49. A. Alvazzi del Frate, U. Zvekic & J. M. van Dijk (eds.) |
48. A. Manna, R.Kurosawa & K. Hamai (eds.) |
47. T. Mushanga (ed.) |
46. U. Zvekic (ed.) |
45. G. Longo, U. Leone & M. Bonomo (eds.) |
44. F. Bruno (ed.) |
43. F. Bruno (ed.) |
42. E. García Méndez, M. del Carmen Bianchi (eds.) |
41. F. Bruno, M.E.Andreotti & M. Brunetti (eds.) |
40. E. García Méndez, E.Carranza (eds.) |
39. Diritti umani ed istruzione penale. Corso di formazione sulle tecniche di istruzione ed investigazione , Castelgandolfo, Italy, 11-22 September 1989. UNICRI publication No 39, 1990 |
38. V.N.Kudriazev (ed.) |
36. U. Zvekic (ed.) |
35. C. Masotti Santoro (ed.) |
33. L. Aniyar de Castro (ed.) |
32. The death penalty: A bibliographical research. UNICRI publication No 32, 1988 |
31. M. Findlay & U. Zvekic |
30. D. Cotic |
29. U. Zvekic & A. Mattei |
28. C. Masotti Santoro (ed.) |
27. U. Zvekic (ed.) |
26. First joint international conference on research in crime prevention, Riyadh, 23-25 January 1984. UNICRI publication No 26, 1984 |
25. P.David (ed.) |
24. The role of the judge in contemporary society. UNICRI publication No 24, 1984 |
23. I.F.Caramazza & U. Leone |
22. Juvenile social maladjustment and human rights in the context of development. UNICRI publication No 22, 1984 |
21. F. Bruno |
20. A world directory of criminological institutes (3rd Edition). UNICRI publication No 20, 1982 |
19. J.J. Moore & L.Bozzetti |
18. S.K.Mukherjee & A.Gupta |
17. A world directory of criminological institutes (2nd Edition). UNICRI publication No 17, 1978 |
16. J.J. Moore |
15. Economic crises and crime: Correlations between the state of the economy, deviance and the control of deviance. UNICRI publication No 15, 1976 |
14. Prison architecture: An international survey of representative closed institutions and analysis of current trends in prison design. UNICRI publication No 14, 1974 |
13. The protection of the artistic and archaeological heritage: A view from Italy and India. UNICRI publication No 13, 1976 |
12. Juvenile justice: An international survey, country reports, related materials and suggestions for future research. UNICRI publication No 12, 1976 |
11. Evaluation research in criminal justice: Material and proceedings of a research conference convened in the context of the Fifth United Nations Congress for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders. UNICRI publication No 11, 1976 |
10. Criminological research and decision-making: Studies on the influence of criminological research on criminal policy in The Netherlands and Finland. UNICRI publication No 10, 1974 |
9. Economic crisis and crime: Interim report and materials. UNICRI publication No 9, 1974 |
8. Recent contributions to Soviet criminology. UNICRI publication No 8, 1974 |
7. B. Kasme (ed.) |
6. A programme for drug use research: report of the proceedings of a workshop at Frascati, Italy, 11-15 December 1972. UNICRI publication No 6, 1973 |
5. Migration: Report of the research conference on migration, ethnic minority status and social adaptation, Rome, 13-16 June 1972. UNICRI publication No 5, 1973 |
4. A.Bouhdiba |
3. Social defence in Uganda: A survey of research. UNICRI publication No 3, 1971 |
2. F.Ferracuti & M. C. Giannini |
1. F.Ferracuti & R. Bergalli |