Training for Professionals - Judiciary and Law Enforcement

According to its Statute UNICRI, utilizing its internal resources and assets, is able to provide tailor-made courses (in Turin, on site, and via distance learning software) upon request of member states and integrate training and learning activities into broader rule-of-law projects. Such courses aim to build and reinforce the capacities of judicial systems based on needs assessed at a global and local level.
Over the years UNICRI has reinforced its training capabilities by developing and testing a number of sub-regional and national curricula, modules, and training manuals targeted both at trainers and trainees. Pilot training courses designed for law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges, other justice personnel and social workers covered a basic induction and advanced training in human rights as well as specialized issues such as corruption investigation cases, drug abuse control, human trafficking, domestic violence prevention and control, probation, management of crisis situations in penitentiary institutions, counterfeiting and, computerization of justice administration. Training activities were carried out both in house and on site in, among other locations; including Central and Eastern Europe, Maghreb, Sub-Saharan Africa, Oceania, South-East Asia and Latin America.
In 2009-2010, UNICRI established an Office in Vientiane (Lao PDR) to implement a capacity building project aimed at strengthening the criminal justice system in order to counter the growing threat of organized crime and provide support to the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the National University of Laos.
Examples of Capacity Building programmes include:
The International Criminal Law Defense Seminar
Human Rights Capacity Building for the Government of Egypt
Fighting Against Brand Counterfeiting in Three Key European Member States
Management of Crisis Situations in Penitentiary Institutions
Strengthening Anti-Corruption Measures in Afghanistan and Criminal Justice Capacity Building
ICTY Manual on Developed Practices and Training Portal