The European Group on Gender and Drugs (EDG), coordinated by the European Union Drugs Agency (EUDA) and the Pompidou Group of the Council of Europe, together with UNICRI (United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute), the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) and several drug experts from various countries, is organising the second symposium on gender and drugs on 22 October 2024 at the Lisbon Congress Centre.
The 2022 symposium set the scene and critically examined key concepts and issues on gender and drugs, and this year we would like to make a step forward. The second event aims to move towards practice, discussing evidence-based practices for gender-responsive interventions in the drug field and identifying key recommendations. Topics discussed this year will include: minimum quality standards; gender-related stigma; data collection and monitoring; trauma-informed interventions; masculinities; Intersectionalities and gender diversities, parenthood and drugs. Examples of good practices and trauma-informed interventions using yoga, along with a social event organised in collaboration with a users’ association, will be important aspects of the event. A call for good practices and the registration form will be made available in the coming weeks.
The event is open and does not involve any registration fee.
In the coming weeks, a call for examples of good practices in the field of gender and drugs will also be launched.
Furthermore, the European Group on Gender and Drugs (EDG) jointly with the Health Without Barriers Federation (HWB) will organise an event in the afternoon on the 21/10 (from 14.30 to 17.30) on “Women and Prison: Addressing the Invisible Needs of Women in Prison”. The event will take place at the LxAddictions conference site. More details will be provided soon.
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